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ADVAN Roll-Out Drums to Celebrate Marketing Excellence

In its bid to motivate and reposition marketing communications practice in Nigeria, the Advertisers’ Association of Nigeria, the umbrella body for all corporate organization that engage in major marketing in the country, has rolled out drums to celebrate hard work and ingenuity among marketing professionals in the advertising industry.
In a statement on Tuesday, the association said that its next ADVAN awards for marketing excellence would acknowledge and reward marketing professionals that have made outstanding contributions to the profession.
In her speech, the Chairman of the Awards Committee, Mrs. Yomi Ifaturoti, said that ADVAN prepared for the event with a promise to highlight the fundamental position that marketing occupies in business and public sectors, and to celebrate marketing achievements across a range of industries.
She said, “The awards will be a celebration of hard work and ingenuity in the marketing profession. As the umbrella body for marketing professionals, we maintain, develop and set the marketing industry standards.”
According to her, this year’s awards for marketing excellence will recognise outstanding and effective marketing in the country by rewarding the winners in different categories.
The categories, she noted, included consumer insights, corporate social responsibility, experiential, consumer promotions, new brand of the year (product or service), digital marketing and brand of the year.
Others, she added, are innovation of the year (product and services), campaign of the year, brand manager of the year and marketing professional of the year.
She said that all entries received would be evaluated by a penal of marketing and communication specialists.
In the former editions of the ADVAN Awards, she explained that the selection process was based solely on the merit of the entries sent in by participants without a third party authentication.
This year, she added, ADVAN has raised the game as AC Neilson, an independent market research organisation, will partner with it to validate entries received and ensure a transparent selection process.
In addition, she said other marketing services agencies would also be working with the judges to ensure an authentic verification process and substantiate claims of entries received.

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