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Kolawole Oyeyemi, President, ADVAN

It is no more news that the umbrella body for Nigerian advertisers (ADVAN) re-elected one of the top brains of MTN, Kola Oyeyemi as its president for another two years during its 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM), but one of the moments that challenged the gathering at the event was the call made to members, advertising practitionals and its stakeholders by the speakers including the newly reinstalled president, to brace up to position the Nigeria’s advertising industry on the global map while it also generates return on investment for everyone.
In Kola Oyeyemi’s speech, revolutionalising brands in Nigeria is top on his agenda for the two years as he charged members of the association to embrace its objective and  team up as it has always done in the previous years to move the association to a greater height, while he also laid emphases on the need to redefine and project the value proposition of the association by partnering with other sectoral bodies to make the advertising industry profitable for all and attractive to non-members of the association.
Poised to give speedy motion to brands in Nigeria, Oyeyemi restated the important role of advertising in the nation adding that “the role of marketing cannot be overemphasized; removing marketing from enterprise is like removing wheels from vehicles.”
Other elected members at the event includes, the Executive Director, Nestle Nigeria, Iquo Ukoh, as the first vice president, Lampe Omoleye of Nutricima, as second vice president, Bimbo Alabi of Cadbury, as Treasurer, Femi Adeniba of Frieslandcampina, as Publicity secretary.

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